Nothing is forever, but until then we make sure that our products meet all the requirements to satisfy our customers for a long time.

We would be happy to support you in qualifying your products to meet the high demanding aviation standards. Make use of our experience.

Life Cycle Tests

We perform simple Life Cycle Tests in-house and for complex tasks, we work together with highly qualified laboratories in Switzerland and Europe. 


Calculating, analyzing and simulating are part of our everyday life. Be it by hand or
with the most modern means and with competent partners.

No error, no problem can be solved faster as long as you can do it in the development phase.

Product qualification

We qualify most of our products according to the requirements of RTCA DO-160. As a member of the RTCA, we are always on the cutting edge of product qualification of "AIRBORNE EQUIPMENT".

In cooperation with accredited test laboratories, we can cover the entire range of the DO-160 product qualification.